Want to find out if your perpetrator harmed someone else? With Callisto, you can.

Ending serial sexual assault…one match at a time.


college students are sexually assaulted each year


of campus assaults are
committed by serial offenders


of student survivors report to
Title IX or the police

#MeToo Reckoning

The #MeToo movement and subsequent tidal wave of accusations and lawsuits against powerful men like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby forced society to reckon with the pervasiveness of sexual violence. Many also witnessed the risks of coming forward, how frequently perpetrators are serial offenders, and how rarely they face justice.

While many survivors felt more empowered, their options for coming forward safely remained limited. Filing a formal report was often retraumatizing, and relying on whisper networks exposed survivors and journalists to defamation lawsuits.

Our Solution

Callisto leverages cutting-edge technology to empower campus survivors, provide a safe alternative to reporting, and increase the likelihood that serial offenders will be held accountable. Our encrypted platform, Callisto Vault, allows survivors to create a timestamped record of their assault and/or match with others harmed by the same perpetrator.

Our Technology

  • Can be used whether or not a survivor chooses to report or disclose publicly

  • Helps survivors process their trauma and make informed decisions about if/how to proceed

  • Protects against defamation, as both survivor and perpetrator information is encrypted and secure

  • Safely connects survivors of serial offenders, increasing the likelihood that perpetrators will be held accountable

  • "Thank you so much for what you do. I wish this technology wasn't needed, but I'm so glad it's available. I only wish it was when I was in college."

    Anonymous Survivor

  • "Representing campus survivors, I see how often perpetrators are serial offenders, and how hard it can be to come forward. Callisto's Matching System is game-changing innovation that empowers survivors and helps prevent perpetrators from evading justice."

    Cari Simon, Title IX Attorney

  • "I can't say how much it's meant to me to know that I'm not alone...and that I have options."

    Anonymous Survivor

  • "Callisto enables the survivors of sexual assault to do something unprecedented: they can discover if their abuser is a repeat offender without identifying themselves to the authorities or even identifying the name of the abuser. They have learned something useful, and possibly helpful, without having given anything away."

    The Guardian

If you or someone you care about is struggling, help is available.

Contact Us

Want to connect or collaborate? Please complete this contact form. We would love to discuss how we can work together to create a world where survivors are empowered and perpetrators are held accountable!

Interested in financially supporting our work? Please email our Development Team directly at: development@projectcallisto.org.

Ending campus sexual assault might seem impossible. But you can help.